Annual General Meeting

H&DAA’s 2018 AGM was held on February 12th at Church of the Good Shepherd with a packed audience of plotholders. The review of the Association’s affairs was ably conducted as by our Chair, Neil Pirie, who read out his annual report. Brian Styles, our Treasurer, presented the accounts which show a healthy financial situation. This was followed by a short talk from Janet Hathway, Bristol City Council’s Allotment Officer.

After this we were entertained by a talk from Tim Scoones, who has a plot in Davies Field on the Golden Hill site. Tim is an environmentalist who was executive producer of the BBC Springwatch, Autumnwatch ad Winterwatch series. Tim explained his background in wildlife and conservation and then gave us a highly informative talk about wildlife in the allotments, with a particular focus on his plot and the Golden Hill site in general.

Tim listed the wildlife that has been regularly seen on the allotments. This list includes

  • mammals such as foxes, hedgehogs, badgers;
  • reptiles/amphibians including slowworms, frogs and toads;
  • birds: as well as the usual garden birds, and pigeons(!), Tim listed more unusual birds seen on the site: fieldfares, redwings, sparrowhawk, peregrine falcon; the most surprising bird seen being a woodcock which uses the Golden Hill site as a fuel stop on its migration path!