Allotment rents & AGM notice
By mid-January all H&DAA plotholders and Associate Members should have received the annual rent letter, along with the January Newsletter and the Notice of the AGM. The AGM will be held on 17th February 2020 at the B&A Church (St. Michael’s) Gloucester Road (on Pigsty Hill).
Rents can be paid by internet bank transfer or by cheque, You can choose which option you would prefer.
Approximately 500 rent letters go out each year, so it is a large undertaking to send out demands and reconcile the monies received against the membership database. H&DAA greatly appreciate those members who respond promptly to the rent letter and pay using either of the two options now available.
Every year there are some who have to be reminded to pay their annual rent, which inevitably involves more effort from members of the H&DAA committee, who are all unpaid volunteers. We would respectfully request that members/plotholders action the annual rent letter as soon as they can, so as to avoid the need for reminders being sent out.
Anyone who has not received their rent demand letter (e.g. because of a house move that H&DAA are unaware of) should email the Treasurer at:
For plotholders on means-tested benefits, discounted rentals are available on application to the Treasurer at the above email address. Proof of benefit award will be required (These benefits include Universal Credit, ESA, JSA, Housing Benefit, Pension Credit.)